Position opening at Cleveland Clinic: LINK

Microbiome-mediated disease modeling in Organs-on-chips

We are seeking a talented, motivated candidate to join collaborative translational projects looking at the role of the gut microbiome in various human gastrointestinal (GI) diseases including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), colorectal cancer (CRC), celiac disease (CeD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or infectious diseases such as Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). The multidisciplinary projects aim to discover the pathophysiological role of the gut microbiota on the initiation and development of GI diseases in concert with complex microenvironmental factors including epithelium, immune components, and mechanobiological stimulations.

Skills required: Rigorous scientific training in the design and analysis of research is necessary. A strong record of prior research accomplishments is encouraged. Successful postdoc candidates should present one or more of i) strong research expertise in mucosal immunology, cancer immunology, or host-microbiome interactions, ii) strong expertise in synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, or microbial genetic engineering, iii) strong skillsets in cell and tissue engineering, iv) strong disease-specific multi-omics training including single-cell transcriptomics and metabolomics, or v) strong academic records in human microphysiological system (MPS). Candidates should send their CV and a Cover Letter to Dr. Hyun Jung Kim (kimh19@ccf.org). In the Cover Letter, please specify your qualifications pertinent to project requirements on the job description. It is highly recommended to include a 1-page research portfolio in your CV.

Development of a multiplex, scalable Organs-on-chips microplatform

The BioME lab at Lerner Research Institute at Cleveland Clinic is seeking a talented, motivated postdoctoral fellow to work on the development of a novel Organs-on-chips microplatform to be implementable for multiplex and scalable assessment of host-microbiome interactions. The successful postdoc candidates will work at Cleveland Clinic to innovate the structure and functionality of conventional Organ-on-a-chip devices for advanced modularity, interactive accessibility, and multi-functional affordability.

Skills required: Rigorous scientific training in the design and analysis of research is necessary. A strong record of prior research accomplishments is encouraged. The ideal candidates should have one or more of i) strong research expertise in mechanical engineering, manufacturing, automation, or mechatronics engineering, ii) strong technical experiences in human microphysiological system (MPS) or 3D printing/bioprinting, iii) strong skillsets in cell and tissue engineering, or iv) strong expertise in biomaterials and materials science. Candidates with track records in industry experiences in Organs-on-chips, device manufacturing, or high-throughput automated systems are highly encouraged to apply. Prospective candidates should send their CV and a Cover Letter to Dr. Hyun Jung Kim (kimh19@ccf.org). In the Cover Letter, please specify your qualifications pertinent to project requirements on the job description. It is highly recommended to include a 1-page research portfolio in your CV.